Queen's recognizes associate teachers of the year

Limestone Learning Foundation
Queen's recognizes associate teachers of the year
Posted on 06/20/2019
Image of graphic featuring pictures of Lori Pond and Duncan McGregor.

Two Limestone teachers have been awarded the Queen’s University Faculty of Education Associate Teachers of the Year titles for 2019.

Associate Teacher awards are given annually for outstanding contributions to the Faculty of Education and its Teacher Candidates. The awards recognize Associate Teachers whose programs and mentoring are exemplary, and whose commitment has resulted in excellent practicum placements for our candidates.

The Limestone District School Board is pleased to see teachers Lori Pond and Duncan McGregor receive these important awards.

Ms. Pond, an elementary teacher at Harrowsmith Public School, was nominated for her ability to work with teacher candidates to create rich, meaningful and memorable

learning experiences in her role as mentor.

Ms. Pond, who takes on candidates for the fall, winter and spring practicum, openly invites candidates to enter her classroom as teaching partners and consistently demonstrates they are equals in the classroom.

Her openness allows candidates to jump in at any time and co-teach the lesson. She helps candidates brainstorm ideas, and co-plan before and after school, during prep time and lunch time. Ms. Pond encourages them to take risks, try new things and be creative. Her authentic collaboration make her a valuable and experienced mentor.

Mr. McGregor, a department head of social sciences at Sydenham High School, was singled out for going above and beyond with his support as an associate teacher. He provided his teacher candidates with detailed course outlines, reading packages, and general classroom expectations. In addition, he provided his candidates with an opportunity for professional development.

His nomination also cited his alternative method to teaching the social sciences to ensure that he was reaching every student and helping them focus on critical thinking in the classroom - allowing students to apply their knowledge in a multitude of ways rather then just regurgitating information. His commitment to providing students with the resources they need in order to succeed with their education.

Mr. McGregor was further described as a genuine, caring, and driven teacher.


The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.